Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Dragoncon Schedule

Here's my Dragoncon schedule, for those of you who may be attending:

Title: Writer's Apocalyptic RoundtableTime: Fri 02:30 pm Location: A601 - A602 - Marriott (Length: 1)Description: Want a chance to corner your favorite apocalyptic writer and ask them a question? Here is your chance to talk to some of the best in the business!

Title: World Building: Time: Fri 07:00 pm Location: Manila / Singapore / Hong Kong - Hyatt (Length: 1)Description: World building techniques for today's savvy readers. Tips from the best will launch your creativity toward building your own world

Title: Law and Disorder in a Dystopian FutureTime: Mon 11:30 am Location: L504 - L505 - Marriott (Length: 1)Description: All citizens are required to learn the rules of OneState, and the punishments for acting against the collective. It'll be DoublePlusUngood!

Title: Staying Afloat in an Ever-Changing MarketTime: Mon 01:00 pm Location: Manila / Singapore / Hong Kong - Hyatt (Length: 1)Description: What does the reader what? Or, better still...What do the editors want? Strategies for surviving in a rotten economy and a declining market.

Hmm . . . three of the four panels are about dystopia or the apocalypse, if you include the one on publishing (which you should). Guess I'd better saddle up and ride off with the Four Horsemen.



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