Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Some Days I Just Don't Feel Like Sharing

Obligated though I am by the Rules of Modern Publishing to maintain a blog in which I post something intelligent, thoughtful, and wise every single day (or failing that, at least try to be amusing), there are some days when I'm just not, as Richard III said, in the giving vein. In fact there are some days when I'm just Richard III. Or worse.

Right now the thought of putting together a blog post out of the scattered fragments of my life is a burden that I would just as soon not bear.

It's not like there's not a lot going on. The novel is racing along nicely. The water well has hit a pocket of fine yellow sand, so the water looks like pee, and the sand has clogged up the water softener, so I've called one repairman for the well and another for the softener. I'm going to see Bonnie Raitt and Taj Mahal tomorrow night, and Globalquerque is this weekend. I've dropped DirecTV and picked up Dish Network.

Any of these topics might serve for an amusing post. But I'm just not in the vein.

But I can at least link to something amusing, so here it is. John Crace liveblogs the new Dan Brown novel. Note: there are spoilers. But on the other hand, now you won't have to read the book.

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Blogger Phiala said...

Maureen Johnson is also blogging the Symbol-Thingie most entertainingly. Part I.

6:11 AM  
Blogger Zora said...

Group blog. A few co-conspirators keep things lively.

3:00 PM  

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