Thursday, January 03, 2008

Philosophers' Dinner

It's back-to-work time here at the Williams ranchero, the difference being that I never actually left work during the holidays, except for Christmas dinner at the Denning/Rogers manse, and for a party we threw on the 30th. The rest of the time I was concentrating on my deadlines, which abound.

The party last Sunday was a hoot and a half, not least because it was the first time since my hospitalization that we've had a party. We used to throw parties more often, but back in 2006 we were over-scheduled--- and so we were in 2007, come to think about it.

At any rate, a bunch of our friends descended on our home and consumed a staggering amount of food and drink. We had practically no leftovers--- a few beers, two half-bags of chips, and about one serving of cheese.

At one point, Pat and Scott mentioned that they were invited to a New Year's party the next night, and that it was a concept party. Each invitee was supposed to bring a dish that reflected the life or work of a philosopher. I pitched in with some mostly lame ideas--- bear in mind that I figured I was being a good sport for helping people out with a party that I wasn't invited to--- but here's the list that got assembled.

Gurdjieff Gumbo
David Hume-us
Sufi Sushi
Jean-Paul's Tarts
(Meat Course) John Donne's No Man is an Eye-Round
Santayana Sangria
Swedenborg Smorgasbord
Bergson Burgers (a Vitalist Victual)
Bertrand Russet Potatoes
de Chardin Chardonnay
Philosopher's Stone Soup
Immanuel Kantaloup Balls
Sir Isaac's Fig Newtons
Hegel Bagels (served with Lockes)
Socrates Tea (easy on the spices)

My own principal contribution was the following (a drum roll please):

Jean-Paul Sartre's Beans and Nothingness!!!

Can you think of any additions to the feast?


Blogger Glen said...

a Plato' Potatoes?

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pity it's not also economists, because you could have a Keynes Lime Pie.

3:03 PM  
Blogger dubjay said...

And Adam Smith's Invisible Spam.

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kierkegaarden Salad

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Half-baked Bertrand Russet potatoes
Wittenstein Waffles (cannot be spoken about, only eaten)
Nietzsche SOUP OR MANicotti

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spinoza and Bacon Omelet (a la Roger or a la Francis)

6:24 PM  

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