A Pleasing Stroll Through Asia Minor

Labels: Turkey
Walter Jon Williams speaks his mind.
Labels: Turkey
Labels: banana republic, banks, imf
Labels: animal farm, ts eliot
Labels: reviews too late
Labels: this is not a game
Labels: this is not a game
Labels: this is not a game
Labels: financial, jon stewart, lex luthor, sesame street
Labels: eclipse
Labels: prius
Labels: bad banks
Labels: hardwired
Labels: review, this is not a game
Labels: nissan altima
Labels: Fantasy Book Critic, giveaway, this is not a game
NESFA Press has very kindly sent along the Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny, Vols. I and II (of a projected six).
There are many stories in here that have never been collected before. And an introduction by me, but never mind.
I anticipate nothing but glorious reading pleasure for many days to come.
Labels: collected stories, zelazny
Labels: crash
Labels: car crash
Labels: amazon, Fawcett, lost civilization
Labels: review, this is not a game